Dauntsey Academy Primary School

Rowan Class (Year 5)

Adults in Rowan Class 

Rowan Class Staff (ID 2309)

 Class reminders

Meet the Teacher 2024

What will your child need?

Item needed Mon Tues Wed Thur Fri       Additional information
Reading book

Children need to have their reading book in school every day and Boom Reader will be checked on a Monday morning.

PE kit

The children will have a class teacher sport lesson on a Wednesday and will have a lesson with sports coaches on a Friday. Please can the children wear their PE kit to school on these days and remember a PE hoody and tracksuit trousers or leggings for colder weather days. 

Forest School kit Children will need appropriate outdoor clothing for forest school which covers their arms and legs in terms 2, 4 and 6. 
Water Bottles Children should only have water in their bottles – no juice, squash or fizzy. Water bottles should be taken home daily to be washed out and re-filled.
Mid-morning snack Morning snack should be fresh or dried fruit/vegetables only please – no fruit winders etc.

Reading & Home Learning

Children should be reading five times a week at home to support their reading progression. This will also boost their self-esteem and love of reading. We will be checking Boom Reader on a Monday morning, but they need to bring their reading books into school every day. 

Communication & permissions


Please make sure you are signed up to Seesaw. If you are not yet signed up, please contact the school office. We use Seesaw as a communication tool and digital portfolio that allows you to have a personalised window into your child’s time at school. The class teacher and your child can document any learning so that it can be shared, supported and celebrated.

Permissions Please ensure you have informed the Admin team if you do not wish your child to appear in photographs on our website or one our school Facebook page.

Recommended Reads

Year 5 Recommended Reads >>

Rowan Class Learning Journey - Term 1

In Rowan Class, we will be learning how to identify and locate different countries around the world.

In Art, we will create abstract landscapes using subtractive drawing.

In Design Technology, we will be exploring ‘Why our diets are so different’. In Computing, we will be recreating Ancient Greece in augmented reality.

Term 1 Learning Summary

Rowan Class Learning Journey - Term 2

 In Term 2, we will be learning about Ancient Greek Civilisation.

In Art, we will be using a variety of inks and paints to create our own prints. 

In DT, we will be exploring different systems used outside to keep ourselves safe on the road. 

Term 2 Learning Summary

Rowan Class Learning Journey - Term 3

In Term 3, we will be using a variety of textiles and fabrics to design and make our own collages. In Geography, we will be learning how to read four and six digit grid references. In Textiles (DT), we will be testing which type of fabric is ideal for designing and making a lunch bag.

Term 3 Learning Summary

Rowan Class Learning Journey - Term 4


Rowan Class Learning Journey - Term 5


Rowan Class Learning Journey - Term 6