Dauntsey Academy Primary School

Our Governors

The Local Governing Body provides a way for experienced local people to assist the Headteacher in ensuring that the school serves the interests of the whole community. 

Ian Nockolds, Chair of Governors 

Dauntsey Academy Primary School (DAPS) is part of the EQUA Multi Academy Trust, which we joined in January 2022. EQUA comprises of a number of schools, both Secondary and Primary, in the local mid Wiltshire area and includes Lavington School which many of our pupils go to for their secondary education.

EQUA is run by a Board of Trustees and each school then has its own Local Governing Body who oversee the management of the school.

At DAPS our LGB is made up of local people who have a range of experience in business, public administration and teaching. It also includes the Headteacher and representatives from parents, the teaching staff and the EQUA Board of Trustees.

The LGB meets at least six times each year and receives reports and information on all aspects of teaching and learning plus all the other matters necessary to oversee the running of the school. It monitors standards, reviews policies and liaises with EQUA. It can set up committees or working parties to look into particular issues as required.

The current Local Governing Body comprises:

Ian Nockolds –   Chair of Governors

Lisa Hayes – Foundation Governor – Vice Chair

Philippa Winbolt – Headteacher

Nicola Perrin – Staff Governor

Emily Muns – Parent Governor

John Ford – Foundation Governor

Jacqui Northcote Green – Foundation Governor

Mark Kinder – Foundation Governor

Stephanie Black – Foundation Governor

Contacting the Governors 

The Chair of Governors can be contacted through the clerk to the Governors at w.hellin@equa.org.uk.

Governor attendance